May 19, 2021
Meredith Blechman

Now Live: Arta + Artland Integration

Arta's API helps marketplaces, merchants, and platforms automate shipping and fulfillment for collectible items at a global scale. We are excited to announce that our integration with Artland, a marketplace for contemporary art that connects galleries with collectors across the world, is now live.

The integration brings a number of notable benefits to all three parties within Artland’s ecosystem: the buyers that purchase through the platform, the 300+ galleries that show work and sell on the platform, and Artland as the host platform. Here, we break down those benefits and highlight a few galleries that are using the integration.

Buyer Benefits


With the Arta integration, collectors can now view shipping costs while they are browsing works for sale. Rather than receive shipping costs post-sale, the buyer gains visibility into their total cost at the time of purchase. Moreover, buyers can view multiple quotes for each object (so long as the object qualifies to ship via more than one service tier), and choose the shipping option they prefer.


The buyer experience is further streamlined during checkout, where the entire payment (inclusive of object cost, shipping, and insurance/additional services if applicable) is completed in a single transaction. This eliminates the need for galleries to follow up with a second invoice for shipping, and delivers the frictionless purchase experience consumers have come to expect when buying anything online.

Seller Benefits


By automating shipping and fulfillment, Arta eliminates the need for gallery staff to source shipping and service quotes, communicate back and forth with the client and shipper, create a shipping invoice, collect payment, and be a middle man from the time of collection until delivery. The gallery staff can instead spend those invaluable hours working on other important or revenue-generating projects for the gallery.


Though most galleries dedicate internal resources to shipping and logistics, the reality is that many galleries are short staffed in this area. It can be difficult to build and maintain a global network of shipping and service partners, and sometimes impossible to find a shipping solution for collectors in remote locations. Arta's global reach and logistics services include international shipping and export-grade crating, so our customers can ship any item, anywhere.

Platform Benefits


While there are a number of marketplaces that enable galleries to showcase their works for sale to a wider audience, the vast majority do not offer any assistance on shipping and fulfillment. Instead, it is standard practice that the seller accepts responsibility for ensuring an item sold arrives to the buyer safely. Arta and Artland are setting a new standard by automating shipping for sellers on the platform.


Building out their own logistics infrastructure and technical product would have taken Artland years. Instead, Artland built a custom integration with the Arta API and was able to get to market in a matter of weeks, delivering added value for their sellers quickly and efficiently. Arta's technical team is involved throughout the integration process to ensure a seamless process and successful launch for all of our clients.

Browse works for sale

Our integration is currently live for a select group of galleries, and will be rolling out more broadly across the platform in the coming weeks. Check out some of the great works for sale from these galleries:

Meredith Blechman

Meredith is a marketer with 15+ years of experience across CPG, ad agency, consumer tech and SaaS. She spent the last 10 years building marketing teams and strategy at early to mid-stage tech startups. Now, she consult for climate-focused companies.

About Arta

We provide end-to-end logistics solutions for merchants and marketplaces worldwide.

We’re continuously evolving our e-commerce infrastructure for the global collectibles industry through automated transaction, fulfillment, and post-purchase technology. Arta's software provides instant shipping and handling quotes for any item type, regardless of size, material, or price point. Our API automates shipping and fulfillment for high-value items, providing a frictionless purchasing experience for our clients’ buyers.

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