2020 has been a year of unpredictability for businesses and individuals across the world. As we navigated the ever-changing needs of our clients, employees and colleagues, we simultaneously watched the tragic effects of global climate change. With increasing concern, we realized that we and the broader industry were not doing enough to reduce our collective impact on the environment. As a business focused on moving goods around the world, we knew we were contributing to the climate crisis, but were also uniquely positioned to take action to assess and reduce this impact as well.
Recently we announced our commitment to sustainability, reducing our carbon emissions, and creating tools to support our company and our clients in making informed climate-friendly decisions when shipping. As a next step in this commitment, we produced our first shipping emissions audit this year with the Carbon Accounting Company. With this complete, Arta is proud to announce that we have made a donation on behalf of our clients to old-growth forest conservation to counteract the emissions from all shipments booked through the Arta platform in 2020. We have chosen to make this donation through the artist-founded non-profit Art to Acres. Art to Acres works with the art community to support permanent large-scale land conservation of primary-growth forests for a myriad of benefits, including clean water, biodiversity and enduring high-level carbon sequestration.
About our investment
Arta's contribution will support the permanent conservation of 6,300 acres of tropical forest in the Chuyapi-Urusayhua Regional Conservation Area near Cusco, Peru, about 12 miles northwest of the iconic Machu Picchu. This particular forest, which spans nearly 200,000 acres, is original cloud forest, which is the wettest type of forest globally. Straddling the equator, the Andean cloud forests of Peru are some of the most biodiverse, fragile, and complex cloud forests on earth. Many conservationists consider them the world’s greatest conservation priority. Tropical forests are among the highest-density carbon sequestration forests on the planet and also the most endangered. These amazing ecosystems are vital to curbing climate change because of their vast stores of underground carbon. The unique mountainous topography of this location also makes it an ideal habitat for species during climate change, allowing species to locate higher and cooler ground as temperatures warm.
Most of the forested land in the Peruvian Amazon is held by the state or occupied by indigenous peoples. However, as Peru began to reform its forest governance at the turn of the century and free trade agreements with the US followed some years later, several executive decrees created loopholes to convert these forests into agricultural land via reclassification of land use. This action was widely opposed by national indigenous groups and NGOs, and together with the regional government of Cusco, a proposal to protect the Chuyapi-Urusayhua Regional Conservation Area was developed. Biodiversity surveys and legal processes are complete and the location is planned to be declared in early 2021. Arta is proud to contribute to such a large scale, permanent conservation project that will reap benefits for climate change for generations to come.
The concept of ‘offsets’ and why we chose conservation
We have seen an uptick in companies both big and small announcing a commitment to carbon neutrality over the past few years. In most cases, these organizations are hoping to achieve their carbon neutral position both through a reduction in emissions and through the use of “offsets.” At Arta, we advocate that a reduction in emissions should be the first goal of any organization looking to have a positive impact on the environment. The global aim, set under the Paris Accord, is a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030, and we are committed to this goal. For the 50% emissions that cannot be reduced, there are a variety of initiatives that an organization can invest in to “offset” those emissions. After much research, it became clear to our team that not all offsets were created equal; in fact there were more efficient and impactful opportunities to invest in that would reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.
We found issues with traditional retail-based offsets. Many offsetting companies are for-profit entities that mark up the cost of their projects (the most common being tree planting), meaning much of the money contributed does not have a direct impact on reducing emissions from the atmosphere. Then there is the idea of permanence. Most of the commercial offset products on the market have a maximum 30-year commitment and audit duration. With tree-planting specifically, it can take up to 40 years before those trees can start sequestering carbon, and we don’t have 40 years to wait. As set forth in the Paris Climate Agreement, we must achieve net zero emissions globally no later than 2050.