Picture this: the joy of clicking "buy now," followed by the uneasy limbo of waiting for your cherished purchase to arrive. You check your inbox religiously for updates. You're not alone in this; it's a tradition, a ritual that transcends the digital shopping realm.
This blog post delves into the phenomena of pre-parcel anxiety, exploring its psychology and uncovering the hidden opportunities it presents for businesses. From the science-backed endowment effect to the exciting shipping journey that often surpasses the thrill of ownership, we'll navigate the uncharted waters of the customer experience after “buy now”.
But this isn't just an exploration—it's a guide for businesses to turn this anxiety into a catalyst for brand trust. We can only meet customers where they’re at if we understand how they got there, and this informs an experience that leaves a lasting imprint. Join us as we unveil strategies to capitalize on the anticipation, provide transparent tracking, and make the shipping process an integral part of your brand's identity.
Welcome to the world of turning pre-parcel anxiety into a powerful tool for your business—a journey where tension transforms into trust and customers become loyal advocates. Let the adventure begin!
“I plan my whole weekends around expecting a package,” my niece confides, “it’s the grown-up equivalent of Christmas morning, but all year round.” And as an actual grown-up, I tend to agree with the 15-year-old’s sentiment.
Anticipating a package’s arrival is somewhat of a ritual – I filter my inbox for any recent purchases and check in to see where they are and how long until the much-anticipated delivery date. Turns out I’m not the only one. Pre-parcel anxiety is real, and there’s even science to back it.
Behavioral economics explains the psychology behind pre-parcel anxiety as the endowment effect, a phenomenon coined by economist Richard Thaler. The endowment effect is a cognitive bias that places more value on the items we own over those we don’t. When we shop online, the period between “buy now” and delivery is an uncomfortable limbo that does not neatly align with “having” or “not having.” We theoretically own something, but physically don’t have it yet. It’s an uneasy feeling and the reason why 94% of all online shoppers actively track some or all of their deliveries.
How understanding the psychology can help your business
To combat anxieties, people track their packages. Interestingly, the shipping journey is often more exciting than actually owning the object. But why does this matter?
We know that package recipients will likely experience anxiety and excitement between checkout and delivery. This means there’s an opportunity to capitalize on the excitement while working towards keeping anxieties low. One way to do this is to offer something visually familiar. Branding your tracking page creates a cohesive experience for your buyers instead of sending them to third parties.
Make the most of the anticipation by using tracking pages to highlight or promote upcoming sales. At Arta, our branded tracking allows for a cover image, which can highlight upcoming sales or spark interest in an upcoming project.